York Region Body Shop Opportunity
Opened in 1985 this busy body shop in the York Region offers the opportunity to be your own boss; a turnkey operation, fully established for the right buyer. With a reputation for quality workmanship and personalized customer service, this book of business is comprised of an extensive community customer base, insurance companies, local mechanic shops […]
5 Effective Marketing Strategies For Your Collision Repair Business
In today’s climate building a brand that helps your business stand out from your competitors is key. A successful brand is more than just a logo; it is the very heart of your company—your “why” is what draws like-minded potential customers to you and builds loyalty. Two things that are fundamental are to clearly articulate […]
5 Proven Ways to Market a Collision Repair Shop
Marketing plans are an essential part of the success of any small or large business. Setting how you measure the successful performance of each method is key in tracking what works and what doesn’t. If you can do this quarterly, it provides you with the flexibility to adjust as you go. Remember all strategies and […]
5 Successful Marketing Strategies in Collision Repair
Marketing your collision repair business can be a job unto itself. The shop is busy and your top priority. Sometimes marketing can seem like it will take away from what’s important, but getting ahead of your marketing efforts can pay dividends down the line. It’s easier than you might think. Here are some useful yet […]
Mechanical Misunderstanding: StatsCan says robots create more jobs in workplaces
Ottawa, Ontario — A Statistics Canada study was conducted on the rise and fall of employment due to automated, or robotic, workers since the late 1990s, and the results may surprise you. Although the dominant strain of thought is that increasing automated workers will leave less jobs for humans, but this has not been the […]
The Right Choice
By Evert Akkerman We usually hear how bad decisions have hurt or sunk a business, but indecision can be just as bad. An indecisive company president or a franchise owner puts an entire organization in limbo, losing agility, speed and competitive edge. The best and brightest often leave, and it’s harder to attract new […]
Making a Dent in Recruitment: Plan and Anticipate
By Josh White Vancouver, British Columbia — June 23, 2017 — Are your hiring practices reactive or proactive? Annabelle Cormack, President of Cormack Recruitment, believes that proactive hiring is the best way to stay on top of your work. Cormack and her team partner with employers in several industries to source and acquire employees to fill […]
Expanding your human resources search area can yield good results
By Mike Davey Halifax, Nova Scotia — November 27, 2015 — Good help can be hard to find. It’s a cliché, but owners and managers of collision repair facilities know that it’s also the cold, hard truth. Kelvin Campbell experienced this first hand when he ran a nationwide campaign seeking experienced techs to work at […]
AIA Canada report outlines challenges for women in automotive trades
Ottawa, Ontario — June 23, 2016 — AIA Canada has released a new assessment report outlining the current landscape for women working in the automotive trades. The report, Advancing Women in Automotive Knowledge Exchange Needs Assessment,” also provides recommendations for increasing the number of women currently working in the trade. The assessment report is based […]
Filling the talent pipeline: How Canadian collision repairers are tackling the industry-wide labour shortage
By Jeff Sanford, Toronto, Ontario — August 9, 2016 — Canadians have a habit of comparing themselves to the Americans south of the border. It’s a national pastime. So when Texas-based Service King Collision Repair Centers announced a new training program for apprentices, Collision Repair magazine spoke to some Canadian collision repair executives about the […]